
Today, retail companies are paying attention to modern buy and sell methods to take their businesses beyond brick and mortars. The contemporary outlook of retail is not just to sell, but to serve the customer!
And, the only way to accomplish this motive is to provide high value to the customers through resources like services, information, ideas, and goods.
Following the same perspective of delivering better than everyone else, Reeltrail, online business of outdoor gears was established. For all the outdoor enthusiasts, ReelTrail has brought an amazing concept of ‘saving the world’ with ‘selling outdoor gears.’
Let’s know in detail…how?
The Idea!
The objective of selling online outdoor gears was started with a store located in Charleston, South Carolina. It was a small store where Kirk and Ryan Leaphart along with their father, used to sell outdoor gears over consignments. But as known, in today’s world, not having an online dominion for one’s business, can limit its reach.
So, in order to encompass clients all around the globe, they entered the world of e-commerce.
The Challenges of Not Being a Part of eCommerce

In 2018, Kirk & Ryan Leaphart realized that their business needs a boom in E-commerce. This was the time when they decided to have an online presence for their business. These brothers also knew that the outdoor gear waste harms the environment. So, they wanted a website through which they could not only sell products but could put some efforts to save the environment.
They were facing a number of challenges like:
- A barrier to reach the wider audience
- Unsatisfactory customer relationship
- More expenses in the promotion
- Bad discoverability and accessibility
- No market expansion
The Approach

ReelTrail contacted Orion eSolutions to develop a solution that allows buying, selling and recycling the outdoor gear at affordable prices. They wanted a website which not only sells outdoor gears but also works with an objective of recycling the old outdoor gears.
We liked the concept and this initiative would make their website unique. The best part was, they wanted to collaborate with the organizations that worked for sustainable development by offering them 1% of every purchase on outdoor gears. Also, they wanted to keep the prices lower than their competitors.
The Solution

We patiently heard the client and understood their objective. After that, we started the process of deep analysis of collecting facts and figures about similar established businesses.
We then designed the “information architecture” and send it to the client for approval. Then after, the non-functional prototype was made to make the understanding of the development process easy and transparent for both the client and our team. Finally, a fully functional website was engineered.
The Impact & Benefit

The final product was built with so many outdoor gears options on it. The products were divided into many categories and the products were placed under each category accordingly. This whole user-friendly and easy to use web platform is now ready to serve each outdoor enthusiast’s needs and wants.
The benefits offered by ReelTrail’s online business:
- Increased traffic due to lower prices, compared online.
- More business transactions because of good online customer reviews.
- Global audience and customers
- Great boost to visibility and discoverability.
- Ascribing to the good online experience, people started visiting their store.
- (CTA) Call to Action option offering more customer responses.
- Recycling Outdoor Gear & efforts towards sustainable development concept are loved by every outdoor enthusiast.
- Mobile compatibility of the website led to an increase in product demand.
- Meta-data extended online searches.
- Better customer relationship.

Client’s Opinion:
I am here to quickly share a note and let you know that you guys did a great job! My website – Reeltrail, works absolutely fine and as per expectations. I feel so great to have worked with you! Looking forward to more business endeavours in the future!