Attention Everyone! Fraudulent Part-Time Job Schemes and Learning Opportunities Alert Frauds and scams have normalized in this digital era, targeting majorly those looking for part-time jobs and learning opportunities. Lately, it has been noticed that some frauds have been accredited to our firm, and we want to claim that we do not provide any part-time or online learning opportunities. Orion eSolutions offers design, development, and DevOps management services and we are committed to providing legitimate and transparent services to our clients and partners. Any claims of educational or part-time offerings under our name are unauthorized and misleading. We understand such dishonest schemes can impact job seekers and learners, putting their finances and personal info at risk. We encourage everyone associated with Orion eSolutions to remain alert and cautious in this era where scams have unfortunately become prevalent. If you come across any information suggesting part-time or online learning opportunities associated with our name, please be informed that it is purely a scam.