Looking for your next big adventure Explore Orion eSolutions career opportunities for professionals to find a job that’s exciting, rewarding, and uber flexible. You’ll even get to change the world
Orion eSolutions social and mobile cloud technologies are helping companies connect with their customers, partners and employees in entirely new ways and revolutionizing the way businesses sell, service, market, and succeed.
You can have a career that’s exciting, rewarding, and full of possibilities in a collaborative culture that is as unique as our investment strategies.
List of Current Jobs
Below is the list of current jobs in Orion eSolutions.
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Looking for 4+ years experienced PHP Developer with expertise in Laravel, CakePHP, CodeIgniter and other PHP based frameworks. The person should have experience in developing APIs using PHP and MYSQL database. The candidate requires to communicate directly with the client and able to understand the requirements.
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We are hiring for Angular Developers, as we an urgent requirement. Interested people can go through the JD and can apply with us.
For job details, Please click here
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Choose your own adventure based on your strengths and interests, and work closely with the team to advance your career goals.
Choose your own adventure based on your strengths and interests, and work closely with the team to advance your career goals.
With growing offices in USA, we’re proud to belong to the Orion eSolutions Family.
We’re usually working, but always have more fun than any office.
We’re innovators at heart and actively pursue experimentation that drives useful change.
Open communication is a key to success, so we communicate freely across the company about goals, successes and shortcomings.
Life at Orion eSolutions is certainly busy. But it comes with the support, benefits and rewards that make the challenge worth it. You can make a living AND make a difference, getting the best of a financial leader AND a technology pioneer.
Your growth at Orion eSolutions
We believe in and support our people, investing more than $10 million annually in their ongoing training and development. Through concentrated efforts to enhance our culture and practices, Orion eSolutions has dedicated significant time, resources, and leadership.
a culture of excellence
Here we empower people who are ready to take bets, think out of the box, defend their convictions, be resilient and leave their own mark. They are offered early responsibilities, numerous opportunities and fast-track careers. We offers a diverse range of careers. Every one of our 50+ employees contribute their expertise and commitment to the company’s overall performance.