Top 10+ Chatbot Development Companies Globally

In this write-up, we will cover the benefits of hiring chatbot development companies plus a list of reliable service providers you can rely upon.
chatbot development companies

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Chatbots are not a new addition to technological advancements but have been creating a buzz in the market and the reason is the introduction of new chatbot development companies.

As Artificial Intelligence is not a trend but a necessity of all businesses to simplify their operations, Chatbots stand to be ideal solutions to transform customer service and ensure satisfaction in the enormous ways possible.

If we talk about stats:

  • According to Statista, the Chatbot market size is projected to reach $1.25 billion by the year 2025.
  • A report by PSFK says 75% of users on the internet prefer connecting with Chatbots to get their queries resolved instantly.
  • As per Chatbot, 64% of users look for 24/7 support and prefer Chatbot as it is equipped with this feature.

Given these trends along with the craze for chatbots, there will be more and more customers seeking assistance from AI-powered chatbots in the coming years.

Hence, choosing the Chatbot development company comes as a vital decision, regardless of whether you want to upgrade your business in the tech race or launch your business from scratch.

In this write-up, we will cover the benefits of hiring chatbot development companies plus a list of reliable service providers you can rely upon.

Reasons to Hire Chatbot Companies to Develop Chatbots

Hiring AI chatbot development companies for building chatbots benefits from automation, accelerated processes, and human-like interactions. Besides, reputable firms are skilled in handling complex tasks along with ensuring hassle-free integration of chatbots into the internal systems, enabling you to connect with customers.

Below we have discussed some detailed reasons why rely on a chatbot development company to build a chatbot.

In-depth Product Knowledge

Having in-depth knowledge of the product is vital as it defines the scope of developing a chatbot. Hiring any individual expert or freelancer usually ends up not meeting the set deadlines. Also, little or no expertise in the relevant business niche may lead to a solution developed with the missing feature set.

Hence, hiring efficient AI chatbot development companies is the right choice because they have relevant industry experience and are well-versed in developing business-oriented solutions. Moreover, the companies know the right feature set to be integrated into the solution and ensure delivery of the solution without any delays.

Boost Conversions

Undoubtedly, a lot of marketing resources are available to attract clients to the website. However, one right and efficient way of all is the development of chatbot solutions by a reputable AI chatbot development company.

With a chatbot, customers can easily find the goods or services on the website, guide them through the process, and resolve their concerns or queries. It can be precious in capturing leads, improving user engagement, and boosting conversions.

Improves Efficient Data Gathering and Utilization

Developing a chatbot that engages with the customer, tracks their behavior, and provides valuable insights becomes easy with a reputable chatbot development company. They develop well-equipped AI bots that gather insightful details or content based on unique customer profiles. Such data can help improve customer experiences and simplify marketing efforts.

List of 12 AI Chatbot Development Companies

Orion eSolutions

Orion eSolutions

Orion eSolutions is one of the leading chatbot development companies offering top-notch chatbots tailored to the client’s specific needs. The company has 12+ industry experience in the development field and an excellent team of proficient developers who constantly strive to deliver business-oriented bots. The bots they develop help businesses provide memorable and engaging experiences to their target audience.

Besides AI chatbot development services, Orion eSolutions is well-known for offering high-end web and mobile app development. The skilled talent pool employs all the advanced tools and technologies to resolve complex business problems while delivering top-notch solutions at great affordability.


Location: USA, Canada

IBM Watson Assistant

IBM Watson Assistant

IBM Watson Assistant is a powerful tool for integrating AI and machine learning. It can create chatbots that are intelligent and able to understand the context and learn better with time.

IBM Watson Assistant excels in building highly advanced AI chatbots that can understand and resonate with the delicacies of human language. Furthermore, the tools offered help build solutions easily integrated with enterprise data systems to handle multiple and complex data in any form.


Location: United States



HelloTars is another development company that builds chatbots for businesses providing customers with engaging experience and human-like assistance. Their case studies are proof of increased conversion rates, leads, and customer satisfaction via their developed chatbots.

To date, they have developed 16,000+ bots that have combined conversations of over 12 million. Isn’t it huge! Given this, HelloTars has positioned itself as one of the ideal chatbot development companies.


Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka India



Unibot is another chatbot development company that builds bots that ensure quick messaging between users and brands. Their expertise lies in creating automatization across multiple business areas including banks, payment systems, ticketing systems, web portals, and more.

Furthermore, the industries Unibot caters to include Finance, Customer Service, eCommerce, Entertainment, etc.


Location: United States

InData Labs

InData Labs

InData Labs specializes in building engaging and AI-driven chatbot solutions. Besides, they have great experience in creating custom virtual assistants that resonate with the business requirements.

The company offers multiple other services including NLP, Big Data, and more. InData Labs caters to businesses across multiple industries like marketing, finance, retail, eCommerce, and more. Thus, helping the clients optimize their business processes, improving efficiency, and making data-driven decisions.


Location: Miami, Florida, USA



LeewayHertz is another chatbot development company that builds intelligent assistants capable of delivering 24/7 customer support and quick resolution of queries. The chatbots they develop help increase business productivity, enhance customer engagement, and guide customers and employees regarding the information they are looking for.

In simple terms, connect with LeewayHerts and get an AI-powered system developed for hassle-free conversations.


Location: San Francisco, California



LivePerson is again one of the best conversation AI software development companies that build chatbots equipped with live chat capabilities. The chatbots developed are focused on Natural Language Processing and Self-Learning, offering a wide range of opportunities for creating virtual assistants for customer engagement.

The company is dedicated to transforming customer service by leveraging AI to understand customer intent. Businesses can easily manage the bots and workforce simultaneously, helping in effectively optimizing customer engagement.


Location: New York

Dev Technosys

Dev Technosys

Dev Technosys is a trusted Chatbot development company that uses the latest tools and technologies to build custom chatbots suitable for businesses of any size. The company has over 10 years of industry experience in chatbot design and development services.

Additional services it offers include chatbot deployment, NLU services, multi-language development, and more.


Location: USA



Markovate is another chatbot development company with a skilled team of proficient experts always dedicated to executing chatbot development. The company further specializes in crafting custom chatbots backed by advanced AI techniques like machine learning and deep learning.

They integrate various technologies into the chatbot systems that can help understand user queries, efficiently engage with them, and ensure business stays up-to-date.


Location: San Francisco, USA



WotNot is one of the best no-code chatbot development companies that provide chatbot platforms to build advanced and tailored AI-backed custom chatbots. Their unique service called ‘done-for-you’ means the team begins by understanding the requirements and developing the expected chatbot.

The company possesses years of experience and skills to design and develop conversational experiences for its several customers, and its successful delivery of 3000+ projects says it all. Additionally, they enable custom integrations with APIs and other internal systems, ensuring custom chatbot development.


Location: Austin, Texas

Wrapping Up

With the increased usage of Chatbots among users, businesses have no option but to adopt this trend to achieve varying business objectives. They help to shop, get instant answers to queries, and provide relevant information to the customers, improving customer satisfaction as a whole.

However, developing and integrating a chatbot is not easy and requires development expertise in place. Here, hiring any of these chatbot development companies comes as the right choice.

For example, hiring Orion eSolutions means they will take off all your development load, making the process more effective, simplified, and quick. Moreover, their proficient developers deliver the project within a set timeline and at great affordability.

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