With the tenacious competition in the business industry, the tendency to deliver the best has become the utmost priority. Web-Development companies are thriving for the same. These companies are now concentrating on the use of edge-cutting technologies or tools for customized app development. For an enterprise app development, the first and foremost thing to keep under consideration is the nature of the business. The selection for the best technology or framework comes second!
As we know, there is always a consistent change in the market of technology so, the best technology should always be chosen for best results. Hence, Microsoft came up with the .NET Development. This framework is known as the ultimate framework for developing high-end websites and enterprise applications.
Dot Net is an exceptional framework for server-side scripting. And for this, Windows web server is used to host the websites and web applications developed in .NET. By using this framework for web development, reliable and reusable enterprise applications can be built.
What is an Enterprise Application?

An enterprise application is a large software system which is used to operate the daily corporate processes and assist with the business problems. The attributes of the enterprise application will vary from industry to industry. These applications might assist the different departments of an industry such as inventory management.
Earlier, only large enterprises used to have this kind of software as they were complex to build. But with the advancement in technology, even the small-scale businesses can enjoy the advantages of these software’s. The enterprise applications developed in the Dot Net framework serves leverage to all enterprises irrespective of their sizes. These applications exhibit better corresponding business profits such as- gaining more clients or customers.
What is the role of Enterprise Application in Business?
Our lives revolve around the technology, even for simpler tasks such as communication, e-banking, ticket reservation, etc. So, in this tech-world why would a business firm would lag behind? Hence, the enterprise applications come to the scene for better business efficiency, productivity, and profit on big data.
Here are the major roles of an enterprise application:
- It boosts overall productivity.
- It authorizes field workers, especially the ones who are adapting to the changing landscape of the corporate world i.e by using smart devices.
- Enterprise apps such as “big data” and “analytics generate” help the enterprise to decide better for their business.
- It supports better user-client relationship.
Why should .NET be preferred for building Enterprise Application?
Dot Net is an application software development framework which is powered by Microsoft. It was initially developed only for Windows platform but later on, it was made available for other platforms too. It is now one of the most popular and widely used development framework for Enterprise application development.
It is preferred because it not only provides the best development environment but also a secure application. The critical issues such as bad pointer manipulation or even a small harmful attempt to change the compiled code can be averted easily with .NET.
It has two famous variants of .NET Core and .NET framework which share some common yet different approach for app development.
- .Net Core is the variant of Dot Net which offers a development environment for app development, be it a website or mobile apps or console apps.
- .Net Framework, on the other hand, is used for developing applications which are compatible only for the Windows platform.
So, choose the right variant of the Dot Net framework that suits your needs.
Understanding .NET as an IDE!
Yes, it also works as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), developed by Microsoft which supports development in more than 60 programming languages. The languages include (C#.NET, VB.NET, .NET, C++, J#.NET JSCRIPT.NET, F#.NET, WINDOWS POWERSHELL, IRON PYTHON, IRON RUBY, C OMEGA, etc. Other organizations like PHP lookout to cooperate with .NET to create better Windows-based applications that are easier to develop, manage, deploy and integrate with the other existing platforms.
Dot Net written programs are executed in a software environment called- Common Language Runtime (CLR). Basically, CLR is an application virtual machine which offers services like memory management, security and memory management. The codes written in the .NET framework are known as “managed codes.” Framework Class Library (FCL) and Common Language Runtime (CLR) jointly constitute .NET Framework.
What features make .NET the best framework for Enterprise Application?

With .NET, it is easy to develop any application operating on any platform. Multiple languages, libraries, editors can be used to build the mobile, web and desktop applications. The .NET environment is fast which enables the applications to provide better response time with less computational power.
Other features of .Net which make it one of the best frameworks available for Enterprise application development are:
1) Ease of Development
Most app-developers admit that .NET offers easy application development platform. Exceptional quality enterprise applications that are synced with the business goals can be developed in less time and with fewer efforts. Visual Studio caters all the tools and support needed for app development. Microsoft’s trend of adding components with “drag and drop” method is applicable with .NET too. And, for the connectivity of the relational and non-relational systems during app development, products like ADO.NET offers a great advantage.
2) Reliability and Easy Maintenance
While enterprises can have long-coding routines and modules, .NET makes it easy reducing the code into minimal. Change being an integral part of the business industry, any maintenance must not exceed the total cost of the original business conduct.
So, with .NET, the configurations are easily changeable and all are cost-effective. Also, for enabling the intensive applications, this framework has received a huge industrial recognition. The key aspect of any technology is resourcing and because of .NET cost-effectiveness and ease of development, most of the tech-companies offer their resourcing services on this framework.
3) Device-Independence
Component re-usability is the core of this framework. The most parts of the environment configuration, code or any other parameter are reusable. For any enterprise, backward compatibility and easy integration with the existing system is necessary and these factors are facilitated by Dot Net framework.
Hence, the applications built in Dot Net, run coherently on every computing device such as mobiles, tablets, desktops, etc. These features enhance enterprise users to have access to important apps.
4) Easy Deployment
Building a good app is only a part of the whole developing process. Deployment is also a great issue. For that matter, the build app will surely deploy and will be put in the production process. Hence, comes the deploying benefit of building an app in .NET. It offers Xcopy deployment i.e the capability of copying the files into directory, preparing them to run. Dot Net also supports the co-existence of the same library and the same server.
This proves that, it is effective for enterprise application development and deployment. Thus, an app developed on .NET framework can easily be ported on other servers along with the easy access to all the enterprise clients.
5) Security
For any enterprise, be it a big or small, the security concern of an application is as crucial as its performance. For this, the framework of .NET works beyond the expectations. It comes with the features such as Code Access Security, validation and verification. Dot Net framework allows companies to develop robust and extremely secure web applications.
6) Scalability
Being such an efficient app development framework, scalability attribute comes as a perk with it. The application developed with .NET are customizable which are adequate to tackle the load, even if increases! This feature alludes the need for re-investing in the development of new software even if the business is growing.
7) Cross-Platform Support
Every app that is built is required to use the services like a cloud or on-premise systems. Modern cross-platform apps depend on API, cloud data, and cloud processing. So, the apps developed in .NET can be used on cross-platform easily.
Consider an instance of using your enterprise app on a mobile phone: as you switch the platform, the app in mobile integrates with the cloud services, and then you’d want to bring your mobile skills to the cloud, making it even more compatible.
8) Backed by Microsoft
Dot Net Framework by Microsoft was developed in the year 2000 by Microsoft Corporation. It is one of the most powerful app development tools in the IT history. According to Microsoft’s recent declaration, the cross-platform responsibility would now allow a full open source and server-side stack for .NET. Also, it is powered by Microsoft so, it gets updated frequently as per the present tech world’s needs and wants.
Undeniably, Dot Net framework is the best thus, it is preferred over all other application development framework. Explore the key features of .NET and learn an enterprise application developed in .NET can help grow your business. And, in case, this idea of developing an enterprise application intrigues you then, check out the great IT services provided by Orion eSolutions.